Greetings, Wild One,
My name is Keia Lavine, and I am driven by a profound mission to create a lasting legacy for future generations.
I firmly believe in the stewardship of our Earth and recognize that we are the ancestors of the next seven generations. These sacred times call for the awakening, ignition, and rise of great warriors who are here to shape the planetary shift.
From a young age, I have dedicated myself to service, sharing the visions and wisdom bestowed upon me. My purpose is to guide you on your personal awakening journey and help you activate and refine your unique gifts. Together, we will embark on a path that leads to a conscious, heart-centered existence.
As leaders, entrepreneurs, visionaries, speakers, intuitives, psychics, medicine people, empaths, and healers, your authentic truth and life alignment are essential for creating a conscious business and rewriting your story. My role is to assist you in stepping into your power, free from confusion, overwhelm, and stress that may hinder your progress.
We are currently experiencing a profound shift in human consciousness, rediscovering our true essence and exploring our vast potential. I firmly believe that you possess immense power beyond your awareness, and having a guide to recognize your full potential can be a transformative experience.
Allow me to emphasize that I am not a guru, nor do I claim to have all the answers. I am not superior or inferior to you; we are equals on this journey. I, too, face challenges and have my fair share of struggles, and I experience emotions with great depth.
My purpose is not to create followers but to ignite the leader within you. I am here to guide you on HOW to rise using the gift I possess—a perspective untainted by passing trends and societal norms. My perspective stems from confronting darkness and evil head-on, navigating through all realms of spirit, psyche, emotion, heart, and truth.
I am unconventional yet a necessary medicine, dedicated to fully awakening and empowering you. Within you lies a message, a dream, a vision, and a significant and necessary medicine meant to be shared during your time on Earth. My mission is to support you in creating and manifesting that dream into a tangible reality.
I firmly believe that as humanity, we need to dream in order to propel ourselves forward, and the power of our collective dreams has the potential to save the world. It is our responsibility to act as stewards of the Earth, aware that we are the ancestors of the next seven generations. By collectively embracing our true nature and fulfilling our potential, we can live lives we love while serving a greater collective mission.
Allow me to introduce myself fully. I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Energy Medicine Specialist, Psychic Medium, and Initiated Medicine Woman. Additionally, I am a Yoga Teacher, Minister, Mother, and Meditation and Breathwork Facilitator. I possess extensive credentials in Holistic Therapies and have experience in Business Management and Entrepreneurialism. My innate connection with spiritual dimensions, realms, and gifts brings a unique balance to my teachings.
But I am so much more than these credentials. I see myself as a fusion of spirit, mind, soul, and emotion—an embodiment of energy in human form. I am both finite and infinite, precious and potent.
I have been called to help initiate the spiritual warriors on this planet. Each day, I share, guide, teach, lead, and inspire because you are here, and you are ready. Your heart, your gifts, and your message are medicine.
I am also here to live, create, and experience. I have endured profound suffering, but I have learned how to alchemize pain, suffering, and trauma into medicine. It is a skill that defines me.
My language is poetic, rooted in spiritual, esoteric, metaphysical realms, imagery, and emotions—expressions that resonate with my heart's deepest calling. Nevertheless, I can provide clear, concise guidance that brings swift shifts in your life, using the language of sciences.
My heart is cosmic, embracing the wild and untamed nature that seeks growth, expression, and creation for this mission. But I cannot tell you exactly who I am; instead, I am experiencing and expressing myself. My life experiences hold more wisdom and credentials than the certificates I have earned.
You see, knowledge alone is not enough. It is through integration that wisdom emerges. This is the alchemy I embody—where wisdom stems from the embodiment of knowledge, a concept that has yet to be fully understood collectively. This is where I truly stand out—I am embodied, sometimes misunderstood, and occasionally triggering. But above all, I am unwaveringly honest and undeniably here to ignite something new within you and, potentially, on this planet.
Through every endeavor, whether it be coaching, courses, or content, my mission is to inspire heart-centered living and conscious entrepreneurialism. By establishing a connection between knowledge and the actualization of our creative power, I bridge the realms of science, spirit, nature, and the quantum. My teachings derive from the heart because you have found me for a reason. Your heart is medicine, and through my life experiences, I will show you the way.
It is truly an honor to finally meet you. I have been praying that you would find me so that I could guide you to find yourself. Know that you are not alone. You are medicine—a vital component in the evolution of this planet. I understand your language, and I am here to hold space for you.
I dare you to believe in yourself, and I will love you even before you feel ready. Whether you answer the call now or in the future, your deep internal calling is clear. You have found me because you were meant to, and I remain hidden from those who are not ready to see me.
I am medicine, and you are medicine meant to heal a suffering world. However, before you can heal others, you must first alchemize the medicine within yourself. You possess the power to transform your inner world, turning pain into power and trauma into transformational wisdom. This is the magic of creation and the alchemy of deep spiritual work on the inner realms—the journey into your heart, where your authentic self awaits.
Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? I will guide you to the door, and assist you in unlocking it, but it is you who must walk through. I can only show you the way. However, know that when you take this journey with your own effort, I will match it with support, tools, skills, accountability, and reflection.
I guide you on the most significant journey you will ever undertake—a path of alchemy and a journey into the heart.
This is where you become the medicine.