Tribe is a currently free all access membership that invites site visitors to sign up and in exchange they get access to my blog, courses, the wild rising, live events, and whatever we offer here. Eventually this will be a minimal pay option that will have courses and stuff that people can enjoy as well as a monthly live on youtube or facebook that will be available.
Project 2 Wild Rising
Wild Rising is a Womens only membership for Wild Feminine Alchemy and Moon Circles with a focus on conscious living, developing a spiritual practice and entreprenurial driven support. Moon Circles are wild feminine alchemy workshops. Blog is driven towards this focus and group, as well as the moon circle live events. Discussion room is also full of content as well as additional bonuses in the vault.
Project 3 Live Events
Live events are first the Moon Circles Full and New Moons with wild feminine alchemy content. The intention is that there is no teachings, here only sharing and practice.
Other live events will be live teachings shared, and alchemy of dreams a virtual live event 3 day challenge
Project 4 Courses
Courses : Reiki, Vision Quest (7 day experience), Alchemy of dreams (A 7 week journey) ?? ,
HTO - Seven Moons Runs from October through April
HTO Rise - (essentially Seven Moons plus, Wild Rising, Plus the Retreat)
Project 5 Retreats
Rise Retreat 7 day experience for women only in a deep experiencign of wild feminine Alchemy.
Project 6 1:1 Sessions
I offer 1:1 sessions for psychic, energy, and shamanic reading, clearing and guidance to support individuals on their path 1hr & 2 hr
I offer 1:1 Private Journeys with medicine that include personal coaching, preparation, and integration support
Project 7 Group Ceremonies
I offer group ceremonies and workshops for yoga, yoga nidra, reiki trainings and experiences, sound healing ceremonies and plant medicine (entheogenic) shamanic ceremonies. I am open to be booked by others, and am willing to travel.