
Sacred Ceremony... The wisdom of “Surrender”

Guided by the moon
Fed by the sun
Cleansed by the sea
Comforted by the winds
Purified by the fire 
Held by the earth
Nourished by the stars.
I am still healing, balancing, growing, learning, and shifting.  And I am so grateful for this unfolding journey into a great surrender of all that I am.  Naked soul and flesh, Singing life to the bones, and resting my spirit on the shores of great oceans… 
I walk the path of many healers before me...the path of a curandera, a medicine woman, a mother, a see-er and intuitive, an intercessor and medium between worlds of energy, spirit, mind, and physicality.  I am only one woman walking the path of countless souls that have journeyed before me.  I know nothing of the great mystery, what can we possibly know? what can we possibly offer or give that wasn’t first given to us by this omnipotent force that has birthed us here at this moment… I can only walk this path, humble myself continuously, and surrender all that I am into this ceremony of life. 
I have walked this red road for years now... I have accentuated, embodied, and articulated the voice of both the wild woman and warrior woman archetypes... and have learned and now know that it was all to embody my power of choice.  Choice, what a sacred act, I feel this wisdom awakening deeper in my bones as my path continues to unfold.  I now put to rest the path of the warrior and begin the journey to surrender into the flow of rhythmic breath and presence.  And it is here that I begin the journey of the white road, the journey of the stars. 
I look into the vastness of my own inner cosmic space, my flesh, and bone, my limitless potential… and I remember my vulnerability, my pain, my stories…along with my holiness, my purity, and my sacredness… So duplicitous.  Is there room for sacred union within all of my energies? 
I lay in the center of the sacred circle and weep, and pray, and open myself into the path of heart... this is my choice. It has all been my choice... or has it? 
I am free... I trust... I receive... I surrender to the path of heart. 
I open the heart poco o poco (bit by bit)... I open in curiosity, I open in desire, I open into the sacred ceremony of life and enter back to the womb space for purification and reconnection to this life. I draw my energy up and into the center of me… with each breath following the guidance of the waves...  Centered in my very own heart, I remember… I am, I am connected, I am held… 
I receive the unfolding, the blossoming, the rest... 
I remember who I am... I am a woman, I am the portal... I am the one who bleeds for us all, I am a mother, currendera, healer, psychic, medium, teacher, energy healer, lightworker, explorer, entrepreneur, lover, friend, sovereignty in motion, divinity in action...a voice for the voiceless, and an intercessor for those seeking remembrance and reclamation. I am nothing and everything.  I am a grain of sand and the whole cosmic space.  I am earth and fire, wind and water, I am a worthy and necessary part of this time of change... I release shame… I release pain, I release trying to understand any of it. I become present at this time of the 7th sacred fire and take up my responsibility of prayer for the next 7 generations. I am all of this and also none of it, I am but a flower blossoming for a short time… giving expression and essence to all these things that already were long before I breathed my first inhale.  It's all folly and so deeply important.  
I am a Medicine Woman and I will hold the container, the mirror, and the medicine to help guide the journey to the reclamation of the heart space to remember the medicine that I AM and that you are... 
I will rise and rise again, I will trigger, I will inspire, lead, and speak all things necessary for us to move out of the valleys of shadows and pain... I will mess up, learn, and grow and move the mountains of consciousness into the frequencies of new life, and the vast quantum manifestations of love and experience.
I surrender
With wild love, 
Keia Lavine, Medicine Woman
Photo by Brenda Cherry @Cherrybombs


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