What is a real shaman

What is a real shaman?

I have had people tell me what a shaman is, what "rights of passage they must go through" what a shaman isn't, what they do or don't do, a year and a day of training, apprenticeships, initiations, that real shamans don't charge, that they do charge, they wear white, or red, or blue or other combinations for various reasons...  or this feather, that stone or this alter, this and that ... in fact, I've personally participated in all of it as I've been learning and deepening into this path.

The White Road

The White Road

The White Road

A long time ago, when I was in Ocosingo Mexico… Deep in the middle of this beautiful vast country, I was able to live with Abuelito Don Marzo.  An incredible Mayan Mexican Elder and His wife Abuelita Sylviane, A beautiful french woman who moved to Mexico when she was 18 and married Don Marzo.  Creating a family of 5 they pursued their love and devotion to the spiritual walk and now decades later, teach many students across the globe, are part of the elder wisdom council, and run 2 eco-villages that are self-sustaining and strive to teach others to live in balance in harmony with the land while learning the rites of passage and teachings of the Mayan ways.  





Humbled, I am caught yet again in your gaze and you take me in an instant to that hidden path. It is here I wander right into the realm of dreams... In the silences of the night sky, I slip into that vast dream.  Staring at Grandmother Moon, swaying like the oceans as ancient songs rise up from the depths of my core... I stare deeply into the fullness of that bone-like glowing, sorcerer's stone in the sky... the sweet darkness surrounds this grandmother moon in tender adoration as soft swirling clouds reach in for just a touch of her illumined love...
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