Humbled, I am caught yet again in your gaze and you take me in an instant to that hidden path. It is here I wander right into the realm of dreams... In the silences of the night sky, I slip into that vast dream. Staring at Grandmother Moon, swaying like the oceans as ancient songs rise up from the depths of my core... I stare deeply into the fullness of that bone-like glowing, sorcerer's stone in the sky... the sweet darkness surrounds this grandmother moon in tender adoration as soft swirling clouds reach in for just a touch of her illumined love...
The humming of her magnetic prayers shine upon my brow and skin with a baptismal light that calls me back to the ancient times when there weren't sounds of city noise around... A time of stillness and silence... so much silence. I reach for that place within and catch myself holding my breath.
A tear of wonder escapes my eyes. It seems but lifetimes have become seconds and I hold it all in for as long as I can. The crystalline nature of my bones sings with the resonance of that final key as it synchronizes to the quantum wave that carries that sacred code. I let loose a shiver of the body now entrained with the harmonics of the center of my sacred earth mother.
We are all finally here... I breathe slower like those deep autumn winds and listen to the high noted tones vibrating in each ear... I feel the drumming of my heart as it echoes a rhythm of distinct depth. Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump...
We were born for this time, you and I, Children of the seventh dimension. The creators of sacred spaces and the altars of beautiful truth...Children of the stars, sons, and daughters of the ancient kingdom governed by our natures soul... to understand the beauty of creation is to know the micro and macro alike. You already know this.
It is now time to give way to the celebration. For this is the great calling, and pay attention as that master key leads to the final door of our awakening. Do not go gently into the night...
I feel my sweet huntress awakening in my bones... That sacred divine creation peeling her eyes open to a new season coming. The veils of bondage have finally loosed and time is short before that coming dark. The hunt is now! That destined cold of misty winter breath and early night skies come quickly and we must all be ready.
I slip into another layer of consciousness, like putting on a new gown, and ignite the flames of desire into a fire of inspired creators' light. I call with ancient howls to my kindred that is still rising in these universal parts of our time. The flames rise and the sparks of imagination flicker open my heart just a little bit more as I remember the great mystery.
I remember why... and now we all must pursue that mission...for now, I shall only give you this message, as to give you any more will erode the very thread leading you back to your soul part... to live is to dream, to dance, to sing, and to pray... It is to laugh, to celebrate, and to be in good company. To live... It is to nourish companionship, give stewardship for those beings that live for your pleasure, and to intently tend your own garden~the garden of your soul...
May you journey that great journey of service in the greatest mission there ever was. The only service; the service to, of, in, and for the heart. There you will find that great treasure, the most sacred medicine, hidden only for the greatest pleasure of all... The ecstasy of the remembrance and witness of the true resurrection. Your Ressurection...
Oh, my love, you will feel it in your bones. Love, trust, surrender...this is all there ever was and all else will unfold as it should...
With wild love,
Keia Lavine