The call of the Medicine Woman

The Call of the Medicine Woman

The Medicine Woman is one of the most suppressed and forgotten feminine archetypes in human history. She is the healer, the seer, the wise woman, the visionary, the teacher, the intuitive, the leader. She holds the gifts of energy healing, plant medicine and the passion to empower others to step into their truth.

For the love of yoga

I just wanted to share how incredible yoga is. I'm not, by any means, the Instagram/ bulletin board, "skinny" yogi, I'm not calm, cool, collected, don't have great yoga attire, and run barefoot far more than is normal.

The Forgiveness Journey

First, there came the awakening, then the journey of healing and now the journey of forgiveness begins. 
Over the course of the last decade, I have suffered some terrible violence and experiences that I never dreamed possible, let alone thought I would make it through.  I am certain that this may, perhaps, be an experience for us all… as we all have a story to tell.  

My blood is sacred

My blood is sacred

I wanted to share with my sisters my life and my moon flow...
I have been in practice now for about a year of collecting my blood during my flow via a diva cup and offering it back to Mother Earth in prayer. I will share later why this is soo significant for me however for the sake of time I will stay will the subject at hand.
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