New Moon in LEO, the Creators Moon
Written by Keia Lavine, August 2023
The Creators Moon
RRRROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR! The sound of every ferocious expression of the courageous heart and battle cry of those who set out to become champions of a great feat.
This next lunar cycle gives me tingles as I think about the power of the sun and the igniting flame of taking action. Through taking action, we build courage, willpower, and confidence to champion our own personal "Great Feat."
Perhaps that great feat is to ignite your dream and passion, pursue love and friendships, and deepen into the ones you already have. Perhaps the championship is the courage to ask for support, help, or invest in yourself through an event or coaching program that will help you take your life to the next level.
If that's you, I want to invite you to join me at an incredible event I am attending this November. This event is for entrepreneurs and business owners. It is for those who run non-profits, for-profits, small businesses, and large corporations. This Event will gift you the once-in-a-chance opportunity to be in a gathering of some of the world's most elite entrepreneurs that will teach you HOW to take your entire life to the next level to WIN that championship.
This week, I am still celebrating the retreat. What a powerful WIN for all the women who attended.
(Lion's Gate Retreat was simply amazing. Thank you to Cindy for your retreat center "Mystic Garden Retreat Center, and to Janell Lewis for the beautiful co-hosting of this event with your sounds and empowering yoga sunrise experience.")

This retreat made me 100000% sure that investing in growth spiritually and in business is the next step for me... I am going to zone because my coach and mentor are Hosting this event. She is inviting some of the incredible way showers of our time... and I get to invite my community to this for a huge discounted price (however, this discount is only available for just a few more days).
Wouldn't it be amazing to arrive at this knowing someone personally? Especially when you get to experience it with others that you know. Let's meet and spend time together at a special event to focus on making your dreams come to life. If you want to come with me, then do! Let's fly together, create the vision for your life, and back this up with an event filled with experience.
PS. If you get your ticket before Next Wednesday, I will throw a Complimentary One on one-on-one session. ($350 Value).
Get your ticket RIGHT HERE!!!
This is for those who understand that choosing right now in these powerful solar energies will set the tone for the next year of your life unfolding. You and so encouraged to come with me.... or you can spend another lunar cycle wishing things would shift... I know that I spent years of my life doing that. Now it is all about action...
What is one thing you have wanted to do that you haven't done? What have you been procrastinating on that you could do right now?
Most people approach the Leo New Moon with the thought of courage. But from what I have learned, courage is the secondary expression of what solar energies are about. Courage comes from taking action and is built through the trust of following your own heart. This means that going deeper into the heart is where you will find the magic to move forward and cultivate the courage needed to become the creator you are.
So why the heart? "The heart of a lion", is a quote we have been saying for a long time. And really, it is such a powerful teaching to sit in the heart energies and explore what is true for you. What does your heart desire? What is it that you want to create on this earth? What do you long for?
A good way to get clarity is to start with what you value; what are the codes of ethics for your life? What do you stand by that no matter who is in front of you, you will always honor your belief? What beliefs have you attached to because that is what is "expected of you?"
These questions are something that I encourage you to explore this month. I get to work with clients all the time, and they are often not living the life they want. There is a piece of them that wants to come to life, or they have an unspoken truth that they want to share with their partner, spouse, or, most often, with themselves.
When you find that truth... This is where you set that intention. That is the ignition of the lion's heart. The courage to follow it is about the choice of determination and discipline that is cultivated through the sacred fire. Strength and courage aren't about another endurance race. It is about seeking the truth from within (YOUR TRUTH) and taking action to create it.
Set your intentions this month with deep-heart truth, and ignited action.
For me, sometimes I need a little more rest or nourishment. Sometimes I need a physical booty kicking. (I will be taking my first booty camp class here in a few days and can't wait. ), Other times I need to realize that I need support to take my work and business to the next level in clarity, refinement, and impact. What do you desire for you? What IS your truth?
This lunar cycle is about taking action and doing what you must do.
With Wild Love,
Keia Lavine, HHP. CMI., Cht.
Medicine Woman,
email me at rise@keialavine.com
Work with me in my new course, "rise."
A course for the feminine leader~ practitioners, Healers, Coaches, Facilitators, therapists, and Counselors.
A course for embodiment, expression, and expansion.
Wild Feminine Alchemy & Leadership Course Starts Soon.
Want to learn how to hold better space? Transform your life so that you destroy imposter syndrome. Learn the art of ceremony and personal development. Learn how to hone your spiritual gifts and work with them to live, heal and serve better. Clarify your business brand and niche, and excel in your entrepreneurial business while developing an embodied practice.
This September, you can join me completely complimentary online as I take you through the foundations of transformation and shift. Through Seven lunar cycles of in-depth group teaching, coaching, and guidance, I help you develop deeper roots in your spiritual path and balance it all in this modern-day time.
Want to meet with me personally to speak about it?

Summer Begins to wane like a setting sun...
This is a good time to practice your focus. One way I encourage you to do this is to watch the sunsets. Watching the sunset is known as a powerful Ayurvedic practice and also a part of the Holistic therapeutics that I teach my students.
Gazing into the sun is known as a powerful meditation practice and can help you reset your own circadian rhythm, which will help with mental focus, better sleep, lowering stress and anxiety as well as fueling your body with light that will cleanse and infuse the body with solar illumination. It is great for Vitamin D production and so much more.
Just know that it isn't typically safe to look at the sun any other time than that dawn and dusk when the sun is crossing the boundaries of the earth into your sight.
I like to stand facing the sun, with palms open to the sun either at my side or outstretched toward the sun like I am playing catch. I begin my sun gazing as the sun hit the mountain crest line and stare directly at it until I cannot see it anymore. This process goes faster than you think.
As you watch, invite the sunlight into your body through your pupils. Invite the light to flood into your brain and body to give you a nourishing bath of liquid light. Allow it to fill you and your entire body, from head to toe, until you FEEL the Glow. Intentionally send it to every cell for rejuvenation, empowerment, upgrade, and remembrance.
(I also like to send this light to someone that needs this as well. ~ If you want to do this part, then; from the heart, imagine the person you choose also being filled as I am filled. As you continue in this sun-gazing bath, remember that this is a good time to call in what you want to create on this earth.
What inspirational flame are you trying to ignite? What fires of service are you ready to tend? What is the passion that burns within your heart and soul? Think of these things as you gaze and do your best to concentrate your focus and energy.
Don't forget to tell me how your practice went. I would love to hear you share or see a picture. You can share pictures right in the TRIBE Chat room. Not signed up yet?
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"What you think you create, What you feel you attract, what you imagine you become."
Keia Lavine

Upcoming Event Dates:
- August 16th: Wild Rising Gathering (Tonight at 6 pm pst)~ A time of empowerment and ignition
- September 20th: "Root to Rise" (4-week series). Live on social media; tune in on Sunday Nights for a series on how to get to the core of your busyness, procrastination, and self-sabotage. Turn your pain into power by rooting down into your authentic desire.
- October 16th: "Journey into the heart summit."Live summit with Featured guest speaker interviews from Legacy Leaders to share their secrets of transcending fear with you.
- October: 17th: The 2023 Mentorship and Certification Training course begins.
Step into action, intention and focus those energies... it's time to stop "manifesting" and time to START CREATING. Reach out to me if you are ready to be IN POWERED.
With Wild Love,
Keia Lavine
~ You're Modern Day Medicine Woman