The Codes

The Code... this is the guiding structure for the creation of Wild Moon Culture

The structure and foundation of Wild Moon LLC ~ The path of medicine. Remember, wild one, YOU are the medicine.

Terms, Policy, and Code of Conduct:

Terms, Policy, and Code of Conduct 
Wild Moon LLC is a conscious, heart-centered LLC Business that provides service and education to the community with the intention to empower and inspire a global higher consciousness of all starting with the individual.  The following are the core values, expectations, and non-negotiables that Wild Moon LLC believes are the perfect structure and container that will guide all towards an understanding of the greater vision for all while staying focused on self.  Founder and Owner, Keia Lavine has built her work and company upon these values and will encourage all students, followers, and clients to reflect upon each layer of shifting. Please read this document carefully so that you fully understand what is expected of you during your affiliation with Wild Moon LLC, in any capacity.  Affiliation is inclusive of but not limited to personal, messaging, all social media outlets, and any avenue of communicative or relational, financial, scheduled, and all contracted, affiliation.  , slander, financial, core values, and conduct in ANY WAY during your contracted relationship time. Please know that Wild Moon LLC believes that any relationship must have a foundation that sets a clear structure for easy navigation, and boundaries that allow for proper expansion. Boundaries stated below are listed as terms or non-negotiables. These boundaries come with clarified results that if violated will have an immediate and agreed to consequence.
Wild Moon LLC 


Integration is a key to unlocking the door of transformation:  A much-used word, but what does integration actually look like? What is it? and of course…  WHY integration? 
During a person’s healing process there is a significant portal of opportunity that I see overlooked by many.  This is the integration work that is needed to unify the new to the now.


Reflecting back… 2016

Reflecting... When kitchari becomes your favorite food, and Ginger water becomes your favorite drink, you realize things have changed!  One year ago I started my yoga school journey.  I am now a 550 hr certified teacher, teach at 2 studios, and spent my day at Temple yoga school for the beginning of my next 150 hours of studies.  I spent the evening making ginger and turmeric water, coconut, and lavender face cream, and listening to Jai Uttal...  



Sacred Ceremony... The wisdom of “Surrender”

Guided by the moon
Fed by the sun
Cleansed by the sea
Comforted by the winds
Purified by the fire 
Held by the earth
Nourished by the stars.
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