Aries Lunar cycle ~ New Moon, The Ignited Flame

Aries Lunar cycle ~ New Moon, The Ignited Flame
New Moon in Aries, the Ignited flame 
Written by; Keia Lavine, March 21st, 2023

The Igniting light and tending the fire

Aires is the beginning of the astrological calendar, and a Firey heated, and passionate sign influenced by the initiating and action-oriented fire sign. Driven by Yang energy, our year is infused with action-oriented goals, and through this lunar cycle, you are invited to take action toward your passions, goals, dreams, and ambitions.  Start a fire of a clearly written intention or goal for the year and tend this fire with deliberate focused action towards your creation of this into fruition.  

Spring equinox energies support this time for sowing knowing that by doing this work there will be a harvest and a time of reaping! What are you sowing this season?  Are you clear? Are you ready? Do you know your next steps? 

Like the spring equinox, much of all the land is awakening now and we too rise from our winter sleep and begin to find movement again. It is time for the celebration of the sun's return. Aires' power is here to teach us about the life force that is deep within. That fiery inner force that burns inside ever so deep begins to ignite with the celebratory and cracks open the boundaries of the seeds' shell deep beneath the surface of the cold earth and the remnants of the snow that still gently covers the earth's surface. 

The fires inside are something we should all tend to.  You see it is one thing to have a dream, to want and wish for something, but it is through action and attention that the fire remains lit.  When we understand that there is importance to action and attention then we start to enter into the furnace of true alchemy.  This is the difference between a dreamer and a visionary.  And the danger with staying a dreamer is that there is no action being taken to manifest that dream into fruition.  

Let Aire's lunar cycle be the time that you put action into the fires of creation. Let action direct the way and lead you forward toward the intentional life that you wish to create.  You can tend this fire through continuous simple repetitive actions that are focused on the goal you have in mind. For me, it is to continue to clarify my message, get better at honing in my marketing and also continue the extraction process of removing the excess from my life in all areas.  What are you working on for this spring season? 

I personally am very excited about the upcoming spring.  My winter's goal has been achieved and now I am fully ready for this next season.  I am nearly moved into my new place and have just remnants left in my storage.  Still waiting on the sale of my home and am eagerly awaiting the release of what was. I have been working non-stop to finalize this move and complete it by the end of winter.  My intentions also included completely resetting my company and bringing it all online to provide clients and myself with more ease and clarity.   

If I were, to be honest, getting this move done, and moving deeper into my business structure has been somewhat of an arduous task.  Exhausting, to say the least, but I have refused to give up and am now starting to see the foundations being formed fully.  I don't consider what I am doing to be chasing a dream, I am creating the structure so that my vision can come to life through conscious creation.  

A vision of bringing the wisdom passed down to me into a clear and concise process to "pass the torch" to you.  You have a message and gift inside you that I know yearns to be expressed.  And I have been helping people like you to actualize those dreams for years.  And now I want to help more people finally see results and wake up from dreaming and step into prosperity and the true magic that this life offers in all areas. 

I chose to do this because I have a dream deep inside of my bones that I am meant to do something more with my life. I chose to shift and move so that I can put all of my attention toward this dream of creating an incredible business that globally inspires.  Today I can finally celebrate that my work is finally 100% online and now it is just a matter of deeper organization and clarity.  

Running a business can be a very difficult thing, but it doesn't have to be when you know the foundational steps to create a solid foundation for your business.  I ran my business long before I even knew the foundations, the steps, and all the little details.  And to have to go back to the beginning and now build means a lot of loss, failure, setback, time, effort, and more.  But the rewards are incredible.  This is why I teach conscious entrepreneurship to help you develop your business and avoid the mistakes that I made.  In just a couple of months, you could be actualizing your dreams.  Are you ready? 

The structure and foundation of anything are so vitally important to any dream, vision, business, and personal healing journey.  I am so great at creation that I never paid much deep attention to the structure and now these last couple of years have all led to this.  Regrouping and rewriting and laying a new foundation and structure so that I can reach my dreams by helping you reach yours. 

Are you ready to chase your dreams? To step up more fully into the life of service that you are meant for? 

Upcoming Event  

Alchemy of Dreams... A special event.
You are invited to a very special event.  A three-day deep dive into alchemizing dreams.

Ready to shift your life? Step into the process of true alchemy and how to use this transformational process to create your dream life.  

These three days you will get to learn tools that most of the greats out there don't share, as well as hear from others on how this process has worked for them.  We will also have a special Ostara Blessing, A New Moon Ritual, energy medicine ignition, and some entrepreneurial tools that will help build your brand and online presence. 

This will be amazing for those who are conscious entrepreneurs, those wanting to step into conscious creation and create the life that they desire.  Advanced work for those who are ready for mastery through this powerful manifestation technique. I am ready to share my secret with you.  

This Masterclass is offered at a special exchange of only $97.00 for the FULL three-day event. 

New Moon Ritual

New moon rituals are a way to align with the natural seasons and cosmic energies around us.  They are spiritual in nature and meant to bring you closer to the relationship that you have with the creator and with your body, mind heart, and spirit.  These rituals offer you an invitation to know yourself more deeply.   Take the time to do this rather than just read it.  You will feel the shift of calm and deeper connection. 

1 Candle & Lighter
Journal and Pen
Set your sacred space and come to a comfy seated pose.  With intention, slow movement, and breath, light your candle and set it just about 2 feet in front of you.

Fire Meditation:
Write down your intention for your personal life, business, and your intention for the next astrological year. Then light your candle.  Speak your intention out loud and imagine your intention to be a seed planted deep into the heart. Take a few breaths and begin to gaze into the candlelight while taking your awareness deep into the body. Feel your body, feel your own warmth cultivated from within, and begin to see the seed being warmed by the light of the candle.  Perhaps you can see the seed begin to grow?  

Continue to stare into the fire and ask the fire for any messages it may want to share with you.
Journal any messages you want to remember...
**Journal Prompt: **
Dive deep into your body, ask these questions, and explore the answers that come through.
  • What do I need?
  • What do I want?
  • What do I most desire this year?
Finding these answers may require some deep soil movement and reflection during your new moon time. When you have the answer be sure to plant these seeds to see them grow to fruition throughout the next astrological year.  May you find warmth from within, may you ignite passions and passion projects this month with action, and may you set your intentions to ignite the fire of the creation of your desired life.

Personal Sessions
Do you know that you have a mission but you just feel like you keep missing the mark? Are you feeling like you wish you could just connect the dots, and find balance and some peace in your life?  Do you have dreams inside you that you just do not know how to make come alive?  

Then book a session or check out the personal mentored coaching with me.  I specialize in powerful, fast, focused work through energy medicine, intuitive work, and holistic skill to help you.  Find clarity on your purpose, actualize transformation, and step into the integrated balanced life you crave without wasting more time wishing you could just figure it all out. You will step into purpose, get clarity, and move your life in the direction that you have been seeking. 

The reason it can be hard is that you are not meant to do this alone.  I know that I couldn't have gotten to the level of abundance, peace, balance, clarity, and success without the support of my teachers and guides.  I am forever grateful and know that the only thing really worth investing in is your own personal and spiritual development.   Having guidance, and support, from teachers that have done the work, will profoundly help you to find clarity and results.   It will be the difference between years and months to achieve your dreams. 

Sending your love. 

Be blessed and may the light of the moon illuminate your journey. 

With Wild Love, 
Keia Lavine, HHP. CMI., Cht. 
Medicine Woman 
email me at

All rights reserved and Copywrite stuff, declaration thing, or whatever is supposed to go here. Just know I wrote this so be nice, don't steal, but please do share. PS.  I know I might have typos.  ***Deal with it and re-read the message again. It'll be good for your soul. I love you.

Pisces Lunar cycle. The Oracle Moon

Pisces Lunar cycle. The Oracle Moon

New Moon in Pisces, the Oracle Moon 
Written by; Keia Lavine, February 2023

The Alchemists Moon

Welcome, Welcome Dreamy Picean moon! I feel as though I have been waiting for you for so long that your arrival seems so sudden.  These last few days I have felt this depth that has turned, like the tide of the ocean.  It coincides with my personal turning of the tides in my life as I have spent these nights of the new moon phase moving.  Leaving a place that I have lived in for 10 years and packing up to move mountain top so as to sell my house and invest in BIG DREAMS.    

Picean moon is all about dreams, the last lunar cycle of the winter, and the last of the astrological signs.  We are in the feels of it all.  That place of shifting gears and moveable energy can be felt viscerally as though the place between dreams and wake is nearly unrecognizable.  Still, in the cold, darker months of the year, we can subtly remind ourselves that we are still in the wintertime.  This means, that we still have time to dream and through this month I can only encourage you, dear reader, to take this time to look at your dreams, goals, and ambitions for the coming year and spend this lunar cycle in refinement and beginning to take some action on cultivating the soils of growth for the coming spring.  

This oracle moon calls in the mutable, movable flowing, shifting, and dream-like state of being.  Ruled by water, it would be quite tangible to feel the emotional tides of overwhelming this month... You have been holding so much dear one.  a year of shifting, of moving, of ignited dreams that to hold in the vision call fast a new way of being.  

There is a call on the air for maturation, a growing ring marked within the trunk of a tree... unmeasurable and unseeable, but certainly felt.  This month you are called to rise.... begin to feel the sweet water melt from this season's frost... The winter is nearly over, yet there is still time to dream and dream deeper.  Get clarity on your path, your intention, your purpose, and your intentional pursuit that is to come through the next year.   Take inventory.  Where are you? What are you doing? Where are you going? What do you really want in this life? 

Breathe, and feel the way.  Feel it all and then like a hunter with a bow, close those eyes and feel deeply into this prayerful intention-setting time.  pull that arrow back... and hold until that FEEEEELING leads the way.  That feeling should be an instantaneous grab of the heart, a propelling forward motion felt as though a touch of the divine pushed the quiver of that prayer at just the right angle.  And all you need to do is trust.  YOU will know.  

Since the opening of this lunar cycle, the energies have shifted significantly.  "The LAST becomes first and the FIRST becomes last", was the message clearly conveyed. And as we enter this last lunar cycle of the lunar year, perhaps this is the month that you will put those things that you have been holding off as the first thing to do on your list.  

Be blessed and may the light of the moon illuminate the dark times for you. 

With Wild Love, 
Keia Lavine, HHP. CMI., Cht. 
Medicine Woman 
email me at

Work with me: Seven Moons... and more. 
Want to go deeper into learning how to develop your spiritual gifts and create a life that you love?  Want to receive coaching on starting your entrepreneurial business? 

Seven Moons will be accepting new students until March 20th as we move through this year.  Sign up to get in on the last and final call for the current founder's price.  Through Seven Months of in-depth group teaching, coaching, and guidance, I help you develop deeper roots in your spiritual path and balance it all in this modern-day time. I teach alchemy, a process of transformation and spiritual wisdom to truly empower your life. If you are interested in this.  I am now accepting applications via phone call.  

New Moon Ritual

For this month, since we are now passing the new moon, I want to share with you a meditation that is offered to students for their work.  This meditation is a great way to get some clarity on what seeds you would like to plant in your life.  And HOW to plant them with focus is a gift for you.  

Enjoy and may your intention setting be worthy of your sovereign nature. 

You are worthy of a life that you love,
Keia Lavine

Alchemy of Dreams... A special event.
You are invited to a very special event.  A three-day deep dive into alchemizing dreams. You will be able to experience my work first hand learn step-by-step teachings in the 5 secret steps into the process of true alchemy and how to use this transformational process to create your dream life.  

These three days you will get to learn tools that most of the greats out there don't share, as well as hear from others on how this process has worked for them.  We will also have a special Ostara Blessing, A New Moon Ritual, energy medicine ignition, and some entrepreneurial tools that will help build your brand and online presence. 

I will be offering laser coaching and hot seat to directly coach you learning how to craft a dream and a vision, and turn this into an actual plan with practice to assure that you have results toward making your dream a reality.  

This will be amazing for those who are conscious entrepreneurs, those wanting to manifest the money and relationships that they know they deserve, and those who are ready for mastering a powerful manifestation technique. I am ready to share my secret with you.  

This Masterclass is offered at a special exchange of only $97.00 for the FULL three-day event. 

Upcoming Event Dates: 
  • Wild Rising Full Moon Online Event March 7th @ 6 pm pst
  • Alchemy of Dreams Virtual Live Event March 20th, 21st, & 22nd   
  • Seven Moons Open Enrollment (Founders Offer- Now until March 31st) 
  • Available for 1:1 sessions
Are you a spiritual warrior?  Do you know that you have a mission but you just feel like you keep missing the mark? Are you feeling like you wish you could just connect the dots, and find balance and some peace in your life?  Do you have dreams inside you that you just do not know how to make them come alive?  Then Seven Moons is the course for you. Through these Seven Months, you will find radical shifts and tools and skills that you will not find anywhere else. 
Find the purpose, clarity, and direction that you have been seeking. 

All rights reserved and Copywrite stuff, declaration thing, or whatever is supposed to go here. Just know I wrote this so be nice, don't steal, but please do share. 
PS.  I know I might have typos.  ***Deal with it and re-read the message again. It'll be good for your soul. I love you.


Aquarius - The moon of the ancestral wisdom...

Aquarius - The moon of the ancestral wisdom...

New Moon in Aquarius, the Moon of Ancestral Wisdom 
Written by Keia Lavine, January 2023
Before you enjoy this reading, please check below for the upcoming events, the Booking page, and a special New Moon Ritual for your spiritual journey.

The cold Moon 
The cold snow has come down here in the Sierra Desert Foothill, unlike I have seen anything for a long time.  It has blanketed the valley multiple times when a local like me is used to a two or three-time fall of the white shimmering water... only for it to melt within one or two days.  As a Moondancer, I celebrate this answer for the prayer of water to bless these lands. As a woman trying to get the ice off her front windshield to see in the cold morning... Well... brrrrr.   

We enter into this lunar cycle of the cold moon, and honestly, I am so glad.  
I don't know how it's been for you, but wow, these last few weeks have been some 'all-over-the-place type energies'.  So many of my clients have had similar stories: swimming in the deep waters of contemplation, holding too much energy, diving into the wonders of mystery, taking personal inventory, and trying to figure out where to go from here.  

For me, it has been very polarized as I tend to deeply love the winter months and the moon's energies at this time.  Such primal, instinctual wisdom seeps through with the added space and time due to the blizzards and darker days.  Since Christmas, it has seemingly been event after event happening, all the while feeling the clearest and most determined I have ever felt.  It's as though when someone asks how I am doing, there truly is no way to answer without telling a tale as long as a Marvel movie script. 
I have been in a massive transformation and what I can only describe as singing my bones alive like the La Loba in Dr. Clarrisa's book Women who Run with the Wolves.  

Foundation and Structure.  

This is exactly what the bones are... These cold nights are the time for dreaming, creating, crafting, and singing the new songs of deep seeds planted into the crystalline nature of the structure of this vessel we call a body.  My personal journey has taken me deep down into the porous cylinders of my bones to look at the structure of my message, my business, and how to live a life that bridges the gap of worlds that are still so far apart.  

There are not many teachers out there to truly look to for the answers to how to live a deeply shamanic and spiritual life and bridge that gap to make it shared in the modern world. I know that we all deeply need the medicine of this wisdom meant to be shared, so I learn, do my best, and give with only one prayer that my work conveys... Medicine.   The medicine of consciousness that will lead us back to that red road path of the heart center to kindle the ceremonial flame of ignited consciousness.  We are meant for so much more.  

I have deeply uncovered my own bruising of doing too much, for too many as the need is there, but the structure must be built in ways that this wisdom will be taken like the precious medicine it is and not a trend passing through.  

For those attuned to cyclical alignment and rhythms, The new moon time is the time to come to our center, let go of last month's energies, and begin to call in the energies of the next lunar cycle.  During the 5 days of the new moon phase, we release, cross the portal open into new intentions, and work for the next lunar cycle. 

This next cycle calls in the cold moon or the snow moon. Although the new moon can't be seen too much as the earth's shadow darkens her, Grandmother Moon will be the closest to the earth than she has been in 992 years.  It also is the opening into the Aquarian energies.  The illuminary, higher thinking minded energies of inspiration.  This lunar cycle calls in the element of air and invites us all to focus on breath, disciplined thought, and open-minded space to allow the inspired and divine message to come through from the heart of the winds and breath of life.  

Celebrate this moon and do it loudly because this is a special time.  We enter into this next lunar cycle of 28 days with the ancestors' strength, the structure of cyclical harmony, and incredible wisdom about to be poured out all over.  

This cold moon is the time of the "cold bones" and is when we sing. We sing the life back into those bones with words of intentionality, praise, gratitude, hope, desire, intent, and the sacred wonder for the magic of life stirring deep under the earth covered by these white blankets.  Celebrate this moon for your ancestors.  

Just like our grandmother's moon coming so close to Earth in proximity during this new moon phase, it mirrors all of our ancestors being close to us during this time as we collectively continue to shift and create new ways of being in this great shift. 

Celebrate your lineage, as it was these next few weeks that were the hardest on our ancestors in the north who had to bear a couple more months of freezing temperatures, dwindling food supplies, and being stuck in the house with your whole family (I bet that would drive a lot of us this day and age absolutely nuts).  These months were when the food supplies began to thin when the replenishments were gone, and it must have been so tough to know that there were still a few "storms" yet to come to get through to make it to the time of the budding trees and brighter days.  

Each time we celebrate, every moment of joy, fun, and play IS a way to deeply honor the ancestors in our lines who were unable to be as free as we are today.  Every song and dance is a celebratory thank you to them for giving us this life and honoring their lives and what they endured without the luxurious comforts of Western civilization.  Honor the ancestors of the lands you live on, whether related or not.  Make food offerings, or set out some birdseed for the winged ones. Offer a cup of hot soup to the earth or even sweet sugar... (we don't need it anyway).  

This cold moon, perhaps you can honor your bones in another way... What ancient practices, songs, or interesting traditions could you bring life to this month that could complete the sacred hoop in your familial lines?  Perhaps your intentions could incorporate a bit of that, too?  

Take time for deep intentions and know that your intentions are an energetic prayer.  Say them out loud as though they are claimed right out of the ethers and for the good of all... Open yourself to an incredible lunar cycle of wisdom, channeled messages, sacred breath, and life force to fill you up.  

Remember, I see the moon, and the moon sees you.  Be blessed, and may the moon's light illuminate the dark times for you. 

With Wild Love, 
Keia Lavine, HHP. CMI., Cht. 
Medicine Woman 
Email me at

Work with me:
Want to go deeper into a private session and reading?  I help you come alive and dream again.  I help you develop deeper roots in your spiritual path and balance it all in this modern-day time. I teach alchemy and spiritual wisdom to increase vitality and joy.  I share the medicine of energy, wisdom, and nature to support you in all areas. 

New Moon Ritual
This New Moon focuses on Air, Song, Breath, Higher Mindedness, and Illumined thought. 

Rest in the darkness, no light, no distraction, no movement, and let all slip away and let your bones and your breathing become the entire focus... until all that you are is breath and bone. Hold that focus for as long as you can. 

You don't need any supplies or tools to do this.... just lay on the earth or floor and breathe.

Notice your attention wandering and bring it to the breath over and over.  After some time, begin to open yourself to what you want to call in for this next month.  What do you choose to create or experience in the next lunar cycle? When you feel clear... Gather all of this intention into a powerful blue energy ball and breathe this energy into your bones as though you are breathing life itself into your bones... Just like you would breathe into a mirror to fog it up, breathe deeply just as you paint your bones with the blue energy of your breath.  If you feel curious to explore, you can breathe, hum, sing, chant even... However, it comes through to you allow the breath to guide you.  Capture your intentions within the bones with the energy and light of sacred breath.  

Now rise and take action wild one, you and you alone are the 'one' responsible for your intentions so breathe life into them, and as the new moon gives way to the next cycle, breathe life into your dreams with action.  

You are worthy of a life that you love,
Keia Lavine

Wild Rising New Moon Circle
January 21st, 6 pm PST is the next Wild Rising New Moon Wisdom Circle: We will learn how to align a calendar into cyclical harmony and balance to support a year of health, wealth, and powerful manifestation actualization as well as some wild wolfy fun, guided meditation and more in the work of Wild Feminine Alchemy.  Hope to see you there. 

Upcoming Event Dates: 
  • WildRising New Moon Jan 21st @6 pm pst
  • Wild Rising Full Moon Feb 5th @ 6 pm pst
  • Alchemy of Dreams full Day Virtual live event Jan 28th, 11 am - 7 pm
  • Wild Rising Membership Now Live
  • Available for 1:1 sessions

All rights reserved and Copywrite stuff, declaration thing, or whatever is supposed to go here. Just know I wrote this so be nice, don't steal, but please do share. 
PS.  I know I might have typos.  ***Deal with it and re-read the message again. It'll be good for your soul. I love you.





Humbled, I am caught yet again in your gaze and you take me in an instant to that hidden path. It is here I wander right into the realm of dreams... In the silences of the night sky, I slip into that vast dream.  Staring at Grandmother Moon, swaying like the oceans as ancient songs rise up from the depths of my core... I stare deeply into the fullness of that bone-like glowing, sorcerer's stone in the sky... the sweet darkness surrounds this grandmother moon in tender adoration as soft swirling clouds reach in for just a touch of her illumined love...
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